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Green jackfruit flour helps lower blood sugar in diabetics: Study

International Diabetes Federation Congress has now recognised the efficacy of Jackfruit365, the patented green jackfruit flour, from the stable of Kerala-based Diet Fibre 365 Food Products Pvt Ltd, in controlling blood sugar

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Green jackfruit flour helps lower blood sugar in diabetics: Study

19 Feb 2023 7:17 PM GMT

The efficacy of Jackfruit365, the patented green jackfruit flour, from the stable of Ernakulam (Kerala)-based Diet Fibre 365 Food Products Pvt Ltd, in controlling blood sugar among persons with diabetes (PWD) has now been approved and recognised by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Congress in Lisbon.

The IDF study suggests that incorporation of Jackfruit365 green jackfruit flour in medical nutrition therapy (MNT) combined with an online CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator) counselling triggered by real-time self-monitoring of blood glucose levels on BeatO app using a smartphone-connected glucometer significantly reduced average blood glucose levels in three weeks with higher efficacy in the higher HbA1c subgroup. The Kerala-based company has been claiming that just adding one tablespoon of Jackfruit365 flour per person per meal to one’s rice flour or wheat flour one can cook roti, idli or dosa normally and get a healthy, dietary meal without compromising on the ‘pleasure of eating’.

Mind you that BeatO, a comprehensive digital care platform that provides easy solutions for controlling and managing diabetes, partnered to evaluate the efficacy of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) with Jackfruit365 green jackfruit flour combined with BeatO’s smartphone integrated connected care for Indian patients with diabetes.

“Diabetes is a serious and rapidly growing health issue among the masses in India. There are more than 70 million people suffering from diabetes which is expected to rise to over 134 million by 2045. Partnering with BeatO has led us towards the digital revolution in diabetes care. This study with closely monitored BeatO’s smartphone integrated connected care service demonstrates reduction in average blood sugar level in just three weeks of consumption of green jackfruit flour. We are glad the scientific committee of IDF accepted our joint study to demonstrate the opportunity to combine MNT with green jackfruit flour with a more frequent and affordable smartphone integrated monitoring of blood sugar levels with BeatO App. We commend BeatO for coming up with such an innovative, easy to use solution,” said James Joseph, Founder, Jackfruit365.

Interestingly, a gold standard study on Jackfruit365 green jackfruit flour conducted at the Government Medical College, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India, which has been published in American Diabetes Association and Nature group journals, highlights the therapeutic potential of green jackfruit flour integration in everyday meals for persons with diabetes, the real-time monitoring of blood glucose in diabetics through the BeatO app during green jackfruit flour consumption has enabled both patients and healthcare professionals to experience the combined efficacy much faster. This study comprising 353 people has highlighted the potential of technology combined with intake of a clinically proven dietary ingredient in effectively monitoring and controlling blood sugar in individuals with diabetes.

“My greatest source of satisfaction and motivation at work comes from hearing stories of our members, and how BeatO has helped improve their sugar levels, overall health and quality of life. It’s heartening to see our users live a better, healthier and happier life because of the small changes they could make with BeatO. We keep customers at our core, and persevere to build products according to their needs. Partnering with Jackfruit365 has paved way for an affordable diet solution to diabetes management for the masses; making the green jackfruit available in the form of flour for consumption round the year has opened avenues for majority of population to intake a healthy diet and clubbed with real-time self-monitoring, they can see the improvements and move towards an aspirational lifestyle,” said Gautam Chopra, Co-Founder and CEO of BeatO.

Green jackfruit Diabetics 
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